No question the fall is my favorite time of the year. High School, College and NFL Football, not to mention all the fall hunting activities. Our waterfowl season just opened here in Kansas and Missouri. It has been unusually warm but a front just move in the past few days. I hope that means more ducks! Kansas archery deer season is ongoing and the Missouri firearm season just opened last Saturday. I have had some pretty good success hunting ducks. I haven’t seen anything worth taking yet as far as the deer go. The best news is that the Kansas Pheasant population is up and the weather is perfect for that. We will be headed to western Kansas in about two weeks for a pheasant hunt. Taking several former Chiefs players and Kansas City Royals players. I will keep you all posted.
Now for football. I have NO comments regarding the Chiefs, they are struggling to say the least. We need help on the offensive line. If our QB makes it through the season uninjured it will be miracle. College football around here is also a little depressing. Both KU and MU had great expectations coming into the season, which they have not lived up too. Now on the other hand, Kansas State has exceeded everyone’s expectations, that is the lone bright spot. Our area High Schools are deep into the State playoffs, which I really enjoy. I head up the High School Coach of the Week and Coach of the Year program for the NFL and the Chiefs. After this weeks games, I will be making the selections for both Kansas and Missouri, stay tuned!