Statistically speaking the Baby Boomer generation is joining the RV frenzy! More RV’s are being built than at anytime in our history. One of the major reasons is that the Baby Boomer generation are all at retirement age and are looking for things to do. Boomer’s want to travel but with the issues taking place outside the US, people don’t feel safe traveling abroad. So the Boomers have taken to the RV’s. People admit they have seen very little of the US and would enjoy experiencing the history and sites of our country and Canada, so the RV business is booming thanks to the Baby Boomers!
As a Baby Boomer myself, I have fallen in to the RV trap. My wife and I have ordered a RV, which will arrive sometime next February. In the meantime we are watching every U Tube video and listening to pod casts regarding RV’s and traveling in a RV. Some of the video’s are very good and provide some very valuable information about RV’s in general. There seems to be one major issue most people want to discus and those are the issues concerning your grey and black tanks. It appears there are many practical ways to deal with those problems, some good some bad. Everyone as an idea of which equipment should be standard on all your trips, which is very good advice, some you many have never thought of.

Some of the videos, featuring families who RV during the summer months with their children, are very entertaining. They do provide the names of organizations who provide camping locations and RV parks throughout the US and Canada such as the Good Sam Club or Family Motor Coach Association. What I am finding is that there is a lot more to this RV thing than just putting gas in the tank and driving down the road. Thinking you can pull over anywhere at any travel park, turn out the lights and go to bed is a recipe for loosing a lot of sleep! Like anything else, when traveling, planning ahead will always make the trip much more successful. In today’s RV world making reservations at a RV park is a necessity if not mandatory. In many of the National Parks, securing a reservation is standard operating procedure. What we are learning is, don’t leave home without knowing you have a place to park your RV for the night or for the week or you may end up very disappointed!
More to come on this new adventure we are undertaking, we are just getting started and have a lot to learn.
The Outdoor Quarterback